Customer Testimonials

See what clients are saying about 1st Call Disaster Services

1st Call Disaster Services arrived promptly, after business hours, to address our flooded basement. They stayed until late night to make sure the situation was stabilized. Excellent Customer Service.

V. Von Rosenberg

Pleasant Ridge, OH

Nationwide Insurance

Prompt service, listened to customer concerns questions and good communication. I felt the technician was trustworthy, polite and professional.

V. Scott

Crescent Springs, KY

State Farm Insurance

1st Call Disaster Services responded quickly to my need and were very helpful in getting my basement fixed.

S. Knollman

Union, KY

Travelers Insurance

1st Call Disaster Services was very professional and let me know what was going on every step of the way and called when they said they were going to call to set up re-checks.

N. Simpson

Batavia, OH

Nationwide Insurance

Very prompt, professional representative in both the office and in the field.

N. Holloway

Crestview Hills, KY

Allstate Insurance

Excellent service, thorough, professional and trustworthy. I was very happy with the service.

M. Lyon

Lawrenceburg, IN

Allstate Insurance

Prompt service, listened to customer concerns/questions and good communication. I felt the technician was trustworthy, polite and professional.

M. Boesken

Crescent Springs, KY

State Farm Insurance

1st Call Disaster Services was very helpful, hard working and took their time. They took every piece with care. Very nice people

L. Shalash

Lexington, KY

Allstate Insurance

I would recommend 1st Call Disaster Services to friends and family. Very prompt ad respectable company.

L. McSwiney

Covington, KY

Allstate Insurance

Great job!

K. Dittmer

Rising Sun, IN

Nationwide Insurance

Very prompt, professional and consistent. Very good company.

G. Melto

Burlington, KY

Allstate Insurance

I received good, professional service.

E. Vogel

Alexandria, KY

State Farm Insurance

I told our insurance 1st Call Disaster Services is great to work with. They told me what would go on each day and it did. They had a plan of attack, and the team attacked the problem. They cared for my belongings and tried to make it easier on my dogs.

D. Villani

North Bend, OH

Allstate Insurance

They were very efficient.

D. Bowling

Hamilton, OH

State Auto Insurance